How to get someone to stop being rude and texting while you’re talking.



Just stop talking.

That’s what I do.

Sit quietly and look at them with a slight confused look on your face. Look just a tad hurt, if you want. Knock yourself out.

If I’m in the middle of a conversation and someone suddenly picks up their phone to answer a text or start one, I just stop talking and stare at them.

If that doesn’t work?

Get up and walk away.

I don’t try to get their attention.

I don’t sigh or pout or get angry.

I just stop, mid-sentence, and look at them.

Unless it’s an emergency or coordinating with someone who is on their way, sorry it’s just plain rude.

People are now so used to being ignored, they expect it and accept it.

If I’m talking to you, I ONLY answer my phone it it’s my Mom or urgent. I’m known to mute phone calls.


Because I’m actually talking to SOMEONE IN FRONT OF ME!

One time, I was at the store checkout line, chatting with the clerk. My phone rang mid his sentence and he stopped talking.

I looked down and saw it was the vet. I had taken my dog in earlier and was worried sick about him.

I apologized to the clerk that I had to take the call. I explained that it was the vet and I had been waiting to hear from them.

He was expecting me to cut him off in the middle of his sentence! To him, it was normal behavior.

I took the call, got the information (it was good news, thankfully) and explained to the clerk why I was so rude.

‘No, it’s OK. You weren’t rude,” he said.

“Oh yes I was. You were in the middle of telling me something and I took a phone call. That’s rude.”

“But you had good reason to.” He was so sweet, trying to make me feel better.

“Yes, of course I did and that’s why I did it. But doesn’t everyone think that when, in fact they don’t? I mean it’s like they are saying ‘Excuse me while I talk to someone who is more interesting or important than you.’


I’m not perfect and I try to treat people well. We’ve all done this, I’m sure. I am just as guilty as anyone and I don’t like that. I don’t want to be that person that casually blows people off and I feel like shit for the times I’ve done it.

It’s just now people expect it.

I expect it and I don’t like that either.

Don’t be that person.

Don’t diminish your value because someone is an ignorant pea-brained asshole.

And let’s not be that asshole. There are two sides to this, not just one.


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